Tomorrow Summer arrives and it's time for me to take a bit of a break from the blogs. I will continue to do several challenges a week but not my usual load. I admit, I'm at a bit of a burnout, so I better go try to (not)burn outside for awhile. Have a wonderful Summer and please enjoy saving and using this vintage travel poster from 1948 with my compliments. - Kris
I know what you mean about taking a break from blogging.....it is fun but very time consuming. I have already been on a break and I think it will continue a little longer. Have a great summer.
Enjoy your break. It's not a job, it's for fun! Thank you for the beautiful freebie.
Thanks for the image.... I am also taking a brief break in blogland.... Hope to see more of your work when I come back!
Sounds like a good idea, Kris! Give yourself time to crank out all those fabulous Halloween ideas:)
Slow down a little and enjoy your life and your family. There is nothing written that says you have to blog on a daily basis!
It sounds like a much deserved rest. Enjoy your summer and more time to create. I'm beginning to think my hubby is a blogland widower! LOL
I haven't been as busy blogging as I have in the past... I understand the need for some time away. Take the time you need.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful image! Summer is a time for slowing down and savoring. I find it a harder time to create because of so many outdoor activities and things to do, but I think a little rest always leads to new inpirations! Happy Summer!
Have a great summer Kris!!
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